Wednesday, October 10, 2007

publications, meetings, and Fw: WorldCALL 2008

Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 05:16:02 +0800 (CST)

Dear all,

Here are some announcements regarding the research center:

1. We have one more new member: 藍文君老師, whose research areas as listed on the webpage are 中西文對比研究、西語教學、西班牙社會文化). Welcome!

2. If you have not sent me your publication list for this year, please do so quickly. We have a report to hand in. Thanks.

3. I attended the routine meeting by the College of Foreign Language yesterday and realized the urgency of getting the center going formally. We need to have a meeting soon to get our organization settled and set a concrete plan for our research and development. I am asking my assistant May to find somebody to help us with logistics. When we have somebody, I will be able to call for a meeting. Will let you know.

4. Our dean has introduced another invited speaker specialized in e-learning and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL). The speaker is expected to visit on a Wednesday at the end of October or beginning of November. More about this soon.

5. The meeting last Friday with the software company went well. I think the contract will give us a lot of research opportunities. Let me know if you are interested in a project. We can start planning for something together.

6. The information below is about WorldCALL to be held in Japan in August 2008, in case you are interested.

Have a wonder-full week.

- Chin-chi

Subject: Now Accepting Applications for Full Scholarships to WorldCALL 2008Dear Colleagues,Please forgive the cross-posting of this important announcement. WorldCALL 2008, to be held in Fukuoka, Japan from August 5-8, 2008 announces the availability of full scholarships to the congress, including transportation, fees, lodging and a stipend for miscellaneous expenses. In keeping with our policy of "Equity and Access" these scholarships are only available to participants from countries that are not considered to be "Higher Income Economies" by the World Bank. The scholarships are thus based not only on merit but also on financial need. An accepted presentation is not a requirement for a scholarship award.We encourage all CALL scholars and practitioners, including graduate students in qualifying countries, to apply. Further information and the application form are available at: The deadline for the receipt of applications is December 31, 2007.Further information about the conference itself and the paper submission process can be found at: feel free to repost this message to mailing lists that might reach potential applicants.Collegially, --Thomas Robb & John Mugane, Co-Chairs, WorldCALL Scholarship Committee

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